The Collector’s Circle is a special place that allows you to come together to see what’s happening with your piece.

Once you obtain your first piece, you will be able to see everything pertaining to that art work.

Insider knowledge demystifying its inception and giving you personal news about what is happening with your very rare piece across the world.

This also gives you access to special events, updates on projects pertaining to your piece, and meet with other collector’s that have the same impeccable taste as you.

As each piece is far and few between, activity will be succinct, and you will be personally emailed with updates to prevent the need to come here.

However, this will act as an archive and resources for you, so you can delete those emails with peace,

knowing all of the info is saved for you here.

Contributors stand with Collector’s to ensure the quality of Allinson Fine Art follows up with its ambition.

You have the privilege to participate in the immense, encapsulating world wide art project that is AFA.

Contributions go into funding projects, pieces, galleries, and community outreach.

With each contribution you have a voice and are added to our esteemed contributors. With that, you will receive a personal thank you and a contact line to me.

As well, you will be added to our list of grateful contributors and updated with special events along the way.

If a contribution does not seem like enough, visit the Gallery page or Currently Available to become a Collector.

While Photographic Art is a powerful medium on its own, there are a plethora of incredible art forms in the world.

With your passion, profession, or expertise – we can work together to create a fully immersive art piece.

These are often only 1 of 1 pieces and can be for a private collection or public gallery.

Examples of partners and subjects within the Working with You category include:

Athletes, Ballerinas, Private Car Collectors, Physical Artists, Special Pieces for Campaigns, & Capturing a Special Event

This is not to be confused with hiring a photographer. This will be for making a true art piece or a gallery based upon the subject.

If you wish to see any of these private pieces, as well as their write up of approach and concept, get in contact with what you’re looking for.

These are more rare than my pieces themselves, and are phenomenally infrequent. To start the process and inquire about timing, reach out to me here.