it seems you are not a collector of any of our pieces…

Feel free to browse the Gallery and inquire about commissioning something not yet released,

Or browse the selection that is currently available.

To read more about each piece and understand it’s significance, an Ekphrasis is available for you within our Gallery.

The Collector’s Circle is a special place that allows you to come together to see what’s happening with your piece.

Once you obtain your first piece, you will be able to see everything pertaining to that art work.

Insider knowledge demystifying its inception and giving you personal news about what is happening with your very rare piece across the world.

This also gives you access to special events, updates on projects pertaining to your piece, and meet with other collector’s that have the same impeccable taste as you.

As each piece is far and few between, activity will be succinct, and you will be personally emailed with updates to prevent the need to come here.

However, this will act as an archive and resources for you, so you can delete those emails with peace, knowing all of the info is saved for you here.